From an early age, I’ve been heavily into system programming, Windows administration, tech support engineering, embedded environments, and electronics engineering.
In these recent years I’m committed to software development, both via the front-end interface (using HTML, JavaScript, WinForms, and Swing), and back-end interface (using C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, etc).
At present, I’m a highly experienced and extremely professional Technical Writer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and an Associate Degree in Technical Writing beefed up by more than 6 years both of freelance and corporate writing background.
And I’m proud to be the new Technical and Documentation Writer for the Electronic Team, Inc. company.
By far the majority of my published texts are about Windows operating systems, electronics, technology, and Mac software. You can find those on all popular technological and educational websites like MakerPro, Academia, Hackaday, Medium, etc. Also, I’m very active on Reddit, StackExchange,, and many other tech-oriented communities and forums.