The connections speed for FlexiHub users was improved
The recent FlexiHub update gets improved speed for work with the Universal Plug and Play (uPnP) protocol streamlining communication between networked nodes.
Everyone likes speed when connecting devices over a network. FlexiHub users can easily identify the status of network connections by viewing the software’s interface. Either green or yellow lights will be visible in front of each networked node. Direct and reliable connections that exhibit good data transfer speeds are identified by green lights. Computers that show green lights won’t need redirect servers to communicate with each other.

Yellow lights indicate machines that cannot communicate directly. They need to use the intermediate connectivity offered by a redirect server. This requirement is not based on the physical proximity of the two nodes. The logical network topology is the reason that data transfer needs to be redirected.

Redirected communication can be significantly slower than a direct connection. In extreme cases, using redirection can result in transfer speeds that are 10 times slower than direct connections. Fortunately, two options are available that allow you to keep the lights green and maintain high data transfer speeds.
- The first option involves opening TCP port 5000 on your router and then obtaining a public IP address for one of the connected computers. You may need to consult your router documentation to perform this task. This is not the most efficient method of improving communication, as the open IP on the router may be used by other computers. Read more in User Manual
- The second, and better solution, is to automate router settings through the use of the uPnP communication protocol, eliminating the need for users to change their router configuration. This is the approach taken by the FlexiHub development team. The newest FlexiHub update incorporates uPNP to improve connectivity speeds and make it easier for network-attached machines to share data.
If you’re ready to experience more reliable and faster data transfer speeds, get the latest FlexiHub update as soon as possible. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you can be with the stable and fast connectivity offered by FlexiHub.